Friday, August 15, 2014

A tolerant solution for America & Israel's genocide & bloodshed on Muslim Ummah & Muslim States

A tolerant solution for Israel's genocide & bloodshed on Muslim Ummah & Muslim States

We the Muslim Ummah in our outrage have been calling all sort of offensive names we can imagine to Israel & America for its genocide & bloodshed in Gaza & Muslim States, but how did we Muslims Ummah reacted to this?, except taking out rallies, protesting, rioting, pelting stones & damaging our own properties & monuments, unintentionally denting our own national exchequer, which we need very much for our own development. The print & electronic media have played their role to reach out to the world with their news & are also full of this topic.  Students, youngsters, Face Book & Internet users are shrieking of the genocide & bloodshed in Gaza on the social media, but what have we practically done to stop this genocide & bloodshed in Gaza & Muslim States?, ...We should go deep down our conscious & let us first ask our self, have we stopped using (e.g.) America products made, exported, or sold through franchised outlets or agents like Fast-Foods, junk foods, chocolates, ice-creams, apparel wear, footwear, cosmetics, internet, soft-wares, computers, I pods,  I-phones, cell-phones, higher-education?. These are just daily use items, which come across your eyes, but this list will go on longer & longer, & to top it off, all our Muslim States don’t lag behind, they are laden with American war-fare equipments, & latest arm & ammunition products made, exported, or sold through franchised outlets or American agents. The American charges the Muslim States more to what the product is sold in the open market.  There is not a single State or household in the world where you will not find a product connected somehow to America present in it.

Why against American products?
No, we are not against American products, but are against the American policy of becoming the policeman of the world through its economical strength of which 85% is controlled by Jews businessmen families & learned inventors from Germany migrated or escaped before, during or after the World War II & settled in America. Firstly they funded the Jewish settlement in the Middle East to create a Jewish State ‘Israel’ in the middle of the 19th century. The huge global sales profits earned by the Jewish majority stake-holders of the strong American economic is channelized or bestowed in the foam of immense wealth, banned, restricted & lasted War-fare equipments & WMD to Israel disguised as Self-Defense resources, due to centuries old provoked thought that, "Jews are at war with Muslims & the Muslim charter calls for the annihilation of Jews. Nothing, then, can be considered disproportionate when Jews are fighting for their very right to live." They say ‘’ why not Muslim then Jews”. As being the strong hold of economic of the super power, they are in that category to make the world unions, councils or organizations, look the other way when they, with a logic that more than 3/4 of Israel’s border is surrounded by enemy Muslim States & we consider our support as self defense for Israel & get away with it, as their public relation lobbying with world watch observers are very strong. It is presumed globally that Wealthy Jews are the king maker of the American Congress & can make the American Congress dance on their tunes anytime they want.
My dear Muslim brothers & sisters, this is the twentieth century, in this era, battle are not won by wars on water, in air, or on the borders, but economically. Our Muslim Ummah with a population of more than 2.8 billion under its umbrella, with Oil & Gas for another 150 years & trillion of tons of natural resources, but it is very disappointing to see that we have moved apart from the teaching of Islam and indulge our intelligence and strength in petty internal issues like sectarians indifferences, political instability, intolerance & trying to impose our perception or our school of thoughts on other Muslims.
Now is the time that we, the Muslim States with a population of more than 2.8 billion spread out over  the world  to standup united & empower our-self economically step-by-step vice & strategically  boycott all products, raw materials,  franchises, or patterned designs product connected, somehow to any economy of any state which is controlled or owned  by the majority of Jews. We have many economically strong states with easy approach & cost effectiveness in Asia, with whom we can empower our self through economically joint-ventures, along with developing roads, rail tracks, gas & oil pipe-lines for easy & cost effective transportation & communication. Within a span of next 10 t 15 years it will be evidently prove the decision that of Muslim Ummah as one of the super power of the world. ‘There will be No Al-Qaida nor Internal Security, No Taliban nor CIA,  No Terrorists nor America as the global policeman No Aid or Economical Sanctions nor embargoes, No imposed attacks nor genocide & bloodshed, but only one motto of the world, ‘Live and Let Live Everybody Without Interference in Peace & Harmony’
My Appeal to the Muslim Ummah, Do not be outrageous & call all sort of offensive names we can imagine to anybody for their genocide & bloodshed on our Muslim brothers & sisters or the Muslim State, Islam teaches us to be tolerant & peaceful till the ultimate movement. But, express your annoyance in a calm & peaceful protest. Now is the time to Stand up & take action against the genocide & bloodshed faced by our Muslim Ummah. Stop using initial day to day products produced by the economical strong industries controlled by wealthy American Jews from no onwards & than move to larger products.  If this trend is implemented by 30% of the Muslim Ummah & Muslim States you will observe that within the next 10 years the strong American economy controlled by the wealthy families of Jews will collapse on its knees with recession. That will be a victory for the Muslim Ummah, peaceful with no bloodshed, genocide or deadly wars.
I can!   - Can You?

You have 2 choices:
Read this article, nod in affirmation, & go on to read another article.
Share this article with as many Muslim brothers & sisters as you can, & start implanting boycott strategy from now onwards.


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